Welcome to our Community page!

This is the place where we communicate, announce events and workshops or
just show off our achievements and past projects.

We are building a local design thinking community at Sandbox. We focus on the local community of students, alumni and partners as well as international cooperation, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in global design and product development projects. We strive to create a shared understanding of how to spark and support innovation.

Partner: PwC

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team PwC: Helena Sokk (Master's in Computer Science), Viktoria Ivanova (Conversion Master in IT), Andres Kõiv (Conversion Master in IT)
Semester: Autumn 2024

The Challenge
AS PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisors (PwC), a renowned professional services firm, brings its extensive expertise in business analysis and service design to support Estonian public sector institutions. PwC has especially extensive experience in supporting the state in developing the digital gateway for entrepreneurs via state portal eesti.ee, which aims to streamline its services for entrepreneurs, making the platform more accessible and user-friendly. The student team was tasked with addressing the

Partner: IT department of the University of Tartu

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team UT IT: Aytaj Nurullazade (Master's in Computer Science), Kadi Riin Tanila (Conversion Master in IT), Mariliis Mieler-Tallo (Conversion Master in IT), Shivam Maheshwari (Master's in Computer Science)
Semester: Autumn 2024

The Challenge
The University of Tartu IT department plays a crucial role in supporting the university’s digital infrastructure, managing over 17,000 users, 300+ servers, and 100+ information systems. Despite its extensive capabilities, the current payment system for students presents significant challenges. It lacks transparency, making it difficult for students to track their financial obligations and academic progress effectively. Payment-related information is

Partner: The University of Tartu

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team UT Web: Mihhail Sokolov (Master's in Data Science), Serle Kirsipuu (Conversion Master in IT), Yucui Wu (Master's in Computer Science), Zhou Han (Master's in Computer Science)
Semester: Autumn 2024

The Challenge
The University of Tartu’s website serves as a vital resource for diverse stakeholders, from alumni and researchers to prospective students and continuous learners. Central to this platform are staff contact cards, which currently provide basic details like name, email, and occupation but lack visual appeal and fail to meet the diverse needs of users. Researchers, for instance, wish to display their

Master’s Theses Topics 2024/2025

This year Sandbox offers two Master's Theses Topics:

AI Tools for User Experience Design

This thesis will explore the current state of AI-enabled prototyping tools for creating web and app-based interfaces.

The research question to be answered is: What is the current landscape of AI-enabled prototyping tools and to evaluate: 1) how usable they are as a tool for creating prototypes and 2) what is the quality of the prototypes they produce?

The study will begin with an introduction and literature review to establish the relevance and significance of AI in the prototyping space. It will then compare 3 to

Partner: LHV

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team LHV: Külli Kivioja-Ööpik (Digital Product Management micro-credential programme), Shailaja Mahara (Master's in Software Engineering), Mariliis Mieler-Tallo (Conversion Master in IT), Aleksandr Roslin (Digital Product Management micro-credential programme), Henrik Aavik (Digital Product Management micro-credential programme)
Semester: Spring 2024

The challenge
AS LHV Pank is an Estonian-capital-based bank, serving more than 400,000 clients. LHV services for private customers include management of daily financial affairs and home loans. LHV's competitive edge is the best customer experience and offering customers the best options for growing their money. The services for Business customers include flexible and tailored

Partner: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team MKM: Eva-Liisa Heinmaa (Conversion Master in IT), Tiina Vint (Conversion Master in IT), Yaroslava Mykhailenko (Master's in Computer Science), Alamin Khan (Master's in Computer Science), Shirley Salm (Digital Product Management micro-credential programme)
Semester: Spring 2024

The challenge
A significant amount of data produced by public and private sector organizations remains underutilized, often confined to the organization where it was generated. Yet, the potential benefits of data sharing are substantial, presenting opportunities for revenue through data sales and the creation of additional value from data assets.

Although various ministries and institutions have explored different

Partner: SK ID Solutions

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team SK ID: Kristiina Oksner (Master's in Computer Science), Xinyue Zhang (Master's in Computer Science), Azhar Kazakbaeva (Master's in Software Engineering), Abdul-Rasheed Olatunji Ottun (PhD in Computer Science), Rene Juuse (Digital Product Management micro-credential programme)
Semester: Spring 2024

The challenge
Estonia is one of the few countries that have a widespread ability to electronically sign independently from e-service providers. The software component in focus is the DigiDoc client and mainly its versions in iOS and Android. That is currently offered by the government and paid by taxpayers. SK operates in several other EU countries,

Cake and Prototyping @Sandbox (25th of April)

You are invited to the 6th birthday of Sandbox!

Come and join us as we celebrate 6 years of innovation with cake and prototyping on April 25 at 14:00.

Like a traditional 6 year-olds birthday, there will be cake, games and fun chaos!

Where: r3092 (Sandbox), Delta Center third floor
When: 14:00-16:00
We ask you to register HERE to know how much cake we need!

Feel free to direct any questions you have at sandbox@ut.ee

Partner: Autonomous Driving Lab and Bolt

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Semester: Autumn 2023

Another semester of the Digital Product Management Industry Project has been successfully concluded. In this industry collaboration-focused course, the participating students are tasked with producing high-fidelity prototypes that could solve the problem statements provided by the industry partner. This time around, the course had five teams that all tackled problem statements from Bolt and the Autonomous Driving Lab here at the Institute of Computer Science.

Digital Product Management Industry Project is a unique course in the Institute of Computer Science. It teaches the students WHY they should solve some problem instead
Partner: Triumf Health

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Triumf Health: Liina Aru (Conversion Master in IT), Kadri Koit (Conversion Master in IT), Araz Heydarov (Master's in Computer Science), Gulnar Mammadli (Master's in Computer Science)
Semester: Spring 2023

The challenge
Triumf Health has created the Triumfland Saga mobile health game for children to improve their mental health and wellbeing. This age-appropriate adventure game is for building resilience in a fun and engaging way – it’s methodology is backed by science and it helps build measurable skillset to navigate through feelings and emotions. The game is personalized and made accessible for everyone, whenever