Welcome to our Community page!

This is the place where we communicate, announce events and workshops or
just show off our achievements and past projects.

We are building a local design thinking community at Sandbox. We focus on the local community of students, alumni and partners as well as international cooperation, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in global design and product development projects. We strive to create a shared understanding of how to spark and support innovation.

Partner: SEB

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team: Elari, Katrin, Nino, Esther, Edvin
Semester: Spring 2021

The challenge: Find a way how to help its clients on the journey towards a green home.

During the course, Team SEB discovered that the biggest gap for customers was how to define a green home and the benefits it brings, for example if it is costly, or financially efficient. The team developed a solution that will address the awareness and understanding of green homes, while helping SEB’s clients make more environment friendly and financially wise decisions.

Partner: City of Tartu

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team: Ülle, Anu, Tarmo, Laura
Semester: Spring 2021

The challenge: How to offer public services in a more accessible, personalized and convenient way for the users?

Team Tartu City created a prototype of the gateway to the city services by an example of leisure services for the elderly, that would be simple and easy to use for less tech-savvy user groups.