Welcome to our Community page!

This is the place where we communicate, announce events and workshops or
just show off our achievements and past projects.

We are building a local design thinking community at Sandbox. We focus on the local community of students, alumni and partners as well as international cooperation, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in global design and product development projects. We strive to create a shared understanding of how to spark and support innovation.

Sandbox Toolbox: Human Centered Product Development with Sabah Haider (20th of Sep)

The most successful products are the ones that deliver real value and joy to people. That requires companies to identify the unmet needs and opportunities in order to define the right products to build and then make sure they’re working effectively for users to meet their goals so smoothly that they’ll keep coming back. When products are built on assumptions or launched without being validated, the risk of failure is high, but the bigger risk is losing users.

This talk will focus on the role and value of user experience research as an integrated part of the product

Partner: Nõo Lihatööstus

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Nõo Lihatööstus: Lichettey Aavik, Pirgit Pajoma, Pille Neider-Kuusalu, and Lauri Ütsik (Conversion Master in IT students)
Semester: Spring 2023

Team Nõo Lihatööstus

The challenge
Nõo Lihatööstus transports their products to clients using various plastic boxes. Once the delivery is made, clients are expected to return the empty boxes. Unfortunately, a significant number of boxes are being misplaced during this process. Nõo Lihatööstus is seeking a digital solution that can effectively monitor and keep track of the quantity of the boxes returned by each individual client.

Process and solution
During the course, the Nõo

Partner: City of Tartu

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Tartu City: Veronika Moskalenko, Oleksandr Hranat, Erdem Güngör (Master's in Innovation and Technology Management students), and Gunay Hajizada (Master's in Quantitative Economics)
Semester: Spring 2023

The challenge
Tartu possesses exceptional prerequisites that position the city as a potential international test and development center for novel technologies. These prerequisites include:

  1. Open, flexible, and inclusive municipal governance.
  2. High-level research capacity offered by universities.
  3. Well-established business incubation environments like Tartu Science Park and Tartu Centre for Creative Industries.
  4. A vibrant and active start-up community.
  5. A top-notch education system.
  6. Convenient and accessible e-services.
  7. Expanding the availability of
Partner: The Estonian Health Board

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Health Board: Katrin Põldsepp and Maris Palgi (Conversion Master in IT students), Merey Beisembayev and Toghrul Pashabayli (Master's in Innovation and Technology Management students)
Semester: Spring 2023

The challenge
The Estonian Health Board, or Terviseamet, is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Social Affairs responsible for healthcare, health protection, environmental health, chemical safety, and medical device safety in Estonia. They also provide chargeable laboratory services for assessing water quality. Terviseamet has received more user feedback that environmental health data is not conveniently available to citizens, research institutions, companies, or other state institutions.

Maria speaks - Coaches Training in Barcelona

To tell the whole story I have to start from October’22. Every year all the Design Factory Global Network representatives from almost 30 countries around the world meet up in one of the factories. Last year, after 2 years of postponing the meeting due to Coronavirus, we finally gathered in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. One of the main goals of this week-long event is to initiate collaboration projects between factories. A handful of people pitch their ideas in front of the audience and teams are formed to deep dive into the development.

In Leeuwarden, Laura from Fusion Point (Barcelona) told us

Partner: Centre for Ethics

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Ethics: Aro Kivisild (Conversion Master in IT), Ojus Virendra Tudavekar (Master's in Software Engineering), Deepika Uttam Sambrekar (Master's in Software Engineering)
Semester: Autumn 2022

The challenge
The Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu presented the challenge of digitizing the board game “Estonians 100 choices”. This game was created under a nationwide initiative, “Value Development in Estonian Society”. The game focuses on helping the players reflect on the causes of moral disagreements and the foundations of their own ethical positions. The development of four dilemma-based values games has resulted in board game

Sandbox Toolbox: Lightning Decision Jam with Pärt Ojamaa (14th of March)

This March the 14th will see another Sandbox Toolbox event, this time focusing on how to make quick decisions in a digital design context.

  • What is a Lightning Decision Jam?

A lightning decision jam is a collaborative decision-making technique that aims to quickly gather input and make a decision on a relatively simple or low-stakes issue.
In a lightning decision jam, a group of people typically gather together in person or virtually to discuss the decision at hand. The facilitator of the session introduces the issue and sets a clear time limit for the group to reach a decision.

Looking back at Refresh Conference

In the last week of January, Sandbox took part in the design-oriented Refresh Conference. Here's Yana sharing her thoughts on what transpired in the Sandbox booth.

For our booth at Refresh, we designed a unique 10 minutes workshop. With this workshop, we aimed to familiarise participants of the conference with the Design Thinking framework, which we practice at Sandbox. We asked them to go through the empathy-building exercise, presented them with facts about the problem, and asked them to build a rapid prototype. Since we were free to choose the topic for our workshop, we decided to focus on something

Partner: Foxway

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Foxway: Abhishek Giri (Master’s in Quantitative Economics), Siritorn Ploychareon (Master’s in Innovation & Technology), Marc Sahuguet (Master’s in Computer Science)
Semester: Autumn 2022

Foxway Team with a Foxway's representative, Marek Rüütli

The challenge
Foxway Recommerce has sustainability and a circular economy at the core of its business model. The company takes care of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lifecycles of electronic devices. To make the buyback of devices as easy as possible for the customers, Foxway is developing an online buyback channel.

As any ambitious endeavour usually does, the development

Sandbox in a Nutshell - opening event for the 2023 spring semester

Are you familiar with our Sandbox? Whether the answer is "yes" or "no", you are still very welcome to attend the Sandbox meet and info event "Sandbox in a Nutshell". We will talk about what this cozy creative hub tucked away in the Delta building is about and what exciting feats you can accomplish here.

The event will take place on the 2nd of February at 15pm at the Sandbox room on the third floor (room 3092). All students are welcome!