Welcome to our Community page!

This is the place where we communicate, announce events and workshops or
just show off our achievements and past projects.

We are building a local design thinking community at Sandbox. We focus on the local community of students, alumni and partners as well as international cooperation, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in global design and product development projects. We strive to create a shared understanding of how to spark and support innovation.

Partner company: Centre for Ethics

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Ethics: Aro Kivisild (Conversion Master in IT), Ojus Virendra Tudavekar (Master's in Software Engineering), Deepika Uttam Sambrekar (Master's in Software Engineering)
Semester: Autumn 2022

The challenge
The Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu presented the challenge of digitizing the board game “Estonians 100 choices”. This game was created under a nationwide initiative, “Value Development in Estonian Society”. The game focuses on helping the players reflect on the causes of moral disagreements and the foundations of their own ethical positions. The development of four dilemma-based values games has resulted in board game

Sandbox Toolbox: Lightning Decision Jam with Pärt Ojamaa (14th of March)

This March the 14th will see another Sandbox Toolbox event, this time focusing on how to make quick decisions in a digital design context.

  • What is a Lightning Decision Jam?

A lightning decision jam is a collaborative decision-making technique that aims to quickly gather input and make a decision on a relatively simple or low-stakes issue.
In a lightning decision jam, a group of people typically gather together in person or virtually to discuss the decision at hand. The facilitator of the session introduces the issue and sets a clear time limit for the group to reach a decision.

Looking back at Refresh Conference

In the last week of January, Sandbox took part in the design-oriented Refresh Conference. Here's Yana sharing her thoughts on what transpired in the Sandbox booth.

For our booth at Refresh, we designed a unique 10 minutes workshop. With this workshop, we aimed to familiarise participants of the conference with the Design Thinking framework, which we practice at Sandbox. We asked them to go through the empathy-building exercise, presented them with facts about the problem, and asked them to build a rapid prototype. Since we were free to choose the topic for our workshop, we decided to focus on something

Partner company: Foxway

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Foxway: Abhishek Giri (Master’s in Quantitative Economics), Siritorn Ploychareon (Master’s in Innovation & Technology), Marc Sahuguet (Master’s in Computer Science)
Semester: Autumn 2022

Foxway Team with a Foxway's representative, Marek Rüütli

The challenge
Foxway Recommerce has sustainability and a circular economy at the core of its business model. The company takes care of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lifecycles of electronic devices. To make the buyback of devices as easy as possible for the customers, Foxway is developing an online buyback channel.

As any ambitious endeavour usually does, the development

Sandbox in a Nutshell - opening event for the 2023 spring semester

Are you familiar with our Sandbox? Whether the answer is "yes" or "no", you are still very welcome to attend the Sandbox meet and info event "Sandbox in a Nutshell". We will talk about what this cozy creative hub tucked away in the Delta building is about and what exciting feats you can accomplish here.

The event will take place on the 2nd of February at 15pm at the Sandbox room on the third floor (room 3092). All students are welcome!

SANDBOX the first 5

The Sandbox team is welcoming you to our birthday celebrations
on the 26 & 27th of January 2023.

On the 26th of January, we will be at the Refresh conference. It is a product, UX-design, and front-end conference that provides fresh inspiration for creating better products on the web. You are of course very welcome to visit. Tickets and agenda.

On January 27, we will start the day with a workshop in Sandbox. More info coming soon!

And in the evening the big party starts!
18:00 - 18:30 - Gathering + welcome drinks
18:30 - 19:00 -

Fixing the world via GDIP

Global Digital Innovation Project (GDIP) is a course offered by Sandbox both during autumn and spring. This year, as part of the GDIP project, UT and Sandbox student Volodymyr is in a team with students from inno.space Design Factory. We asked them a few questions about their experience so far.

Volodymyr (on the right) and the heart that unites him and his inno.space teammates.

What is the challenge you are working on?

Our goal is to support companies in exchanging secondary raw materials and waste materials with a platform for resource trading moderated by the city of Mannheim.

Partner company: SEB

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Emotional Payment: Kaisa, Birgitt, Tejas, Peeter
Semester: Spring 2022

The challenge
Making payments from your account to someone else’s account is a rather technical thing. However the intentions are not always technical. SEB assumes that people sometimes use money as a gift, as a bonus for a well-done job, as a help or support, as a donation etc. However, the bank’s existing payment forms in Internetbank or Mobile App do not support people to fully convey the emotion when making the payment, and people look for alternative channels to deliver it

Partner company: SEB

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team Finbest: Monica, Karl, Asso, Binghua
Semester: Spring 2022

The challenge
SEB presented the challenge that a large proportion of the society is facing financial stress on a daily basis. Some people are able to manage their finances well but some are struggling. Different customer groups have different approaches to managing financial stress and therefore also need different solutions. In addition, financial stress can create not only financial problems but also impact health. The challenge of this project was to find out the customers' financial stress and lead them to solve it with our

Partner company: Metatellus

Course: Digital Product Management Industry Project
Team vME (Virtual ME): Helena, Joonas, Joy, Yashar
Semester: Spring 2022

The challenge
Our modern everyday digital environment has created many problems for both users and providers of digital services to deal with. Two most significant problems are:
1. Increasing disconnectedness from real life
2. Poor human-computer interaction
When applied to the field of Metaverse and the onboarding processes, these problems lead to one big question. How to build up the onboarding and retention so that the app gets as much information about the user as possible with as little input as possible?
